section loop value at the smarty -

i've got issue drop down menu, using smarty template. default 1 using drop down menu 1-25. , know if can change 5000, 10000, 15000,...

    <select id="mychoice" name="mychoice1" style="width:100px;" class="choicebox">{section name=i start=1 loop=26}     <option value="{$smarty.section.i.index}"          {if $mychoice1 eq $smarty.section.i.index}selected{/if}>{$smarty.section.i.index}     </option>     {/section}     </select> 

and changed line above below.

{section name=i start=5000 loop=26 step=5000} 

but doesnt work. need help.

{section name=i start=5000 loop=26 step=5000}

this wrong syntax start value start point looping , loop till end of loop


your code correct why have using secode code ? if want change should this:

{section name=i start=5000 loop=5026} {section name=i start=10000 loop=10026} {section name=i start=15000 loop=15026} 


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