symfony - TEST environment only: The database schema is not in sync with the current mapping file -

there similar questions regarding issue haven't seen in particular test environment , sqlite. cannot validate schema test environment uses sqlite can validate schemas dev environment uses mysql. know reason , possible solution? whole application works fine in both dev , test environments though. phing , ci build broken.

php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force --env=test updating database schema... database schema updated successfully! "9" queries executed php app/console doctrine:schema:validate --env=test [mapping]  ok - mapping files correct. [database] fail - database schema not in sync current mapping file. 


i'm adding sqldump result see if spots wrong it. thing can is, have 2 bundles. country below coming frontendbundle user entity missing defined in backendbundle.

php app/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql --env=test drop index uniq_5373c9665e237e06; drop index uniq_5373c966d1f4eb9a; create temporary table __temp__country select id, name, flag country; drop table country; create table country (id integer not null, name varchar(100) not null, flag varchar(50) not null, primary key(id)); insert country (id, name, flag) select id, name, flag __temp__country; drop table __temp__country; create unique index uniq_5373c9665e237e06 on country (name); create unique index uniq_5373c966d1f4eb9a on country (flag); 


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