php - Query MySQL To Show Counting from the table relation -

i have 3 tables. 2 reference table , 1 table transactions.

  1. table puskesmas

mysql> select id,nama puskesmas;

+----+----------------------+ | id | nama                 | +----+----------------------+ |  1 | bambanglipuro        | |  2 | banguntapan          | |  3 | bantul               | |  4 | dlingo               | |  5 | imogiri              | |  6 | jetis                | |  7 | kasihan              | |  8 | kretek               | |  9 | pajangan             | | 10 | pandak               | +----+----------------------+ 
  1. table poli

mysql> select * poli;

+----+---------------+ | id | nama          | +----+---------------+ |  1 | bp            | |  2 | kia           | |  3 | gigi          | |  4 | jiwa          | +----+---------------+ 
  1. table loket

mysql> select pasien_id,poli_id,puskesmas_id loket limit 10;

+-----------+---------+--------------+ | pasien_id | poli_id | puskesmas_id | +-----------+---------+--------------+ |         1 |       1 |            1 | |         5 |       2 |            2 | |         1 |       1 |            3 | |         9 |       3 |            4 | |         1 |       3 |            5 | |         5 |       2 |            1 | |         1 |       1 |            3 | |         8 |       1 |            2 | |        10 |       3 |            6 | |         5 |       2 |            5 | +-----------+---------+--------------+ 

i want show total number (count) of visits puskesmas table. made field all_total fter want take patient visits poli_id = 1 , used column bp. other poly same the

+----+----------------------+--------------+------+------+------+------+ | id | nama                 | total    |  bp  |  kia | gigi | jiwa | +----+----------------------+--------------+------+------+------+------+ |  1 | bambanglipuro        |     30       |  10  |  3   |  15  |  2   | |  2 | banguntapan          |     35       |  20  |  4   |  11  |  0   | |  3 | bantul               |     15       |  10  |  0   |  5   |  0   | |  4 | dlingo               |     12       |  10  |  1   |  1   |  0   | |  5 | imogiri              |     10       |  5   |  2   |  1   |  2   | |  6 | jetis                |     25       |  13  |  3   |  7   |  2   | |  7 | kasihan              |     20       |  10  |  10  |  0   |  0   | |  8 | kretek               |     23       |  20  |  1   |  1   |  1   | |  9 | pajangan             |     10       |  5   |  1   |  3   |  1   | | 10 | pandak               |     0        |  0   |  0   |  0   |  0   | +----+----------------------+--------------+------+------+------+------+ 

i've tried make query display fails hold. can make such queries desired results

i have tried query : select puskesmas_id, sum(case when poli_id=1 1 else 0 end) bp, sum(case when poli_id=5 0 else 1 end) gigi, count(id) total loket group puskesmas_id

and result :

+--------------+------+------+-------+ | puskesmas_id | bp   | gigi | total | +--------------+------+------+-------+ |            1 |   97 |  126 |   143 | |            6 |   74 |  185 |   210 | |            8 |  131 |  179 |   190 | |            7 |   90 |   92 |    98 | |            2 |   33 |   39 |    54 | |            4 |  158 |  248 |   263 | |            3 |   66 |   68 |    72 | +--------------+------+------+-------+ 

but puskesmas_id value 0 not perform data when querying
