"Windows can't open this file" for .appref-ms extension -

i'm trying run clickonce installer , useless error message windows 7: "windows can't open file".

the file extension .appref-ms

has seen or have advice?

windows can't open file appref-ms

i had issue on client's machine. appears operating system not know correct association file extension, in reality .appref-ms not normal extension , not directly associated program.

i found following page eventually:


this contains information on restoring potentially damaged registry keys, can cause issue. however, in opinion gives wrong advice associate dfshim.dll .appref-ms. when did this, created association dll in registry, upon checking registry of working machine, no such association exists. association causes .appref-ms files lose application specific icons, , display instead icon: dfshim.dll icon

in addition, association did not launch application successfully, others may work (i don't know).

the correct solution restore more registry keys, cascade allow windows treat .appref-ms files more applications files opened programs. necessary keys below (i may have overzealously included couple not strictly necessary, @ least of them are):

windows registry editor version 5.00  [hkey_classes_root\.appref-ms] @="application.reference"  [hkey_classes_root\.application] "content type"="application/x-ms-application" @="application.manifest"  [hkey_local_machine\software\classes\application.reference\shell] @="open"  [hkey_local_machine\software\classes\application.reference\shell\open]  [hkey_local_machine\software\classes\application.reference\shell\open\command] @="\"c:\\windows\\system32\\rundll32.exe\" \"c:\\windows\\system32\\dfshim.dll\",shopenverbshortcut %1|%2"  [hkey_local_machine\software\classes\application.manifest\shell] @="open"  [hkey_local_machine\software\classes\application.manifest\shell\open]  [hkey_local_machine\software\classes\application.manifest\shell\open\command] @="\"c:\\windows\\system32\\rundll32.exe\" \"c:\\windows\\system32\\dfshim.dll\",shopenverbapplication %1" 

this appears apply both .application , .appref-ms type files. first key identifies .appref-ms class "application.reference". later key under "classes\application.reference" defines how these types launched. these not simple "open with" associations windows trying create (and created under hkcu instead of hklm).


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