What does the Sample Project types stand for when creating a Gradle project in Eclipse? -

when creating new gradle project in eclipse there's list of sample projects choose from.

what's difference between each one?


i've come across answer.

the following samples available:

  • java quickstart: 'single project' sample project official gradle distribution. described here.
  • java api , implementation: 'single project' sample official gradle distribution. shows how customize project's layout.
  • flat java multi project: sample created demonstrates common 'multi-project' layout works within eclipse. there single root project has of build logic, , number of sub-projects containing actual source code of project. many springsource projects have gradle builds , use layout (e.g. spring-integration, spring-framework, spring-security). note:

** note: 'multi-project' samples result in creation of several projects in workspace. root project name typed wizard. there no mechanism select names subprojects. these project's names 'hard-coded' sample project(s).
