zend framework - call controller action from module.php in zf2 onBootstrap -

i tracking api error codes module.php file. want pass data controller or want create adapter in module.php file. please suggest me different ways can track , store error codes module.php file itself.

i want exe controller action , not want redirect module.php

thanks in advance !

     public function handleerror(mvcevent $evt)      {         $application  = $evt->getapplication();         $eventmanager = $application->geteventmanager()->getsharedmanager();         $eventmanager->attach('zend\mvc\controller\apitrackcontroller', 'dispatch', function($event) {         $controller = $event->gettarget();          // set public property         $controller->trackapi = 'trackapi';//actionname         });//attach ends here.     }//handle error function ends. 


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