dxl - DOORS Compound Filter Dilemma -

doors version:

i'll try break down simple can. first, i'll start data. assume have module, module, in doors. module comprised of:

tree structure

assume object text headings , sub-headings blank, , assume object text remaining level 3 objects same name of object itself. example, object heading blank object_1.1.0-1, object text "object_1.1.0-1".

- module    - 1 heading1             // object heading: "heading1"       ; object number: 1    |  - 1.1 sub-heading1.1  // object heading: "sub-heading1.1" ; object number: 1.1    |  |  + object_1.1.0-1   // object heading: ""               ; object number: 1.1.0-1    |  |  + object_1.1.0-2   // object heading: ""               ; object number: 1.1.0-2    |  |  |  .    |  |  |  .    |  |  |  .    |  |  + object_1.1.0-a   // object heading: ""               ; object number: 1.1.0-a    |  |    |  - 1.2 sub-heading1.2  // object heading: "sub-heading1.2" ; object number: 1.2    |     + object_1.2.0-1   // object heading: ""               ; object number: 1.2.0-1    |     + object_1.2.0-2   // object heading: ""               ; object number: 1.2.0-2    |     |  .    |     |  .    |     |  .    |     + object_1.2.0-b   // object heading: ""               ; object number: 1.2.0-b    |    - 2 heading2             // object heading: "heading2"       ; object number: 2       - 2.1 sub-heading2.1  // object heading: "sub-heading2.1" ; object number: 2.1       |  + object_2.1.0-1   // object heading: ""               ; object number: 2.1.0-1       |  + object_2.1.0-2   // object heading: ""               ; object number: 2.1.0-2       |  |  .       |  |  .       |  |  .       |  + object_2.1.0-c   // object heading: ""               ; object number: 2.1.0-c       |       - 2.2 sub-heading2.1  // object heading: "sub-heading2.1" ; object number 2.2          + object_2.2.0-1   // object heading: ""               ; object number: 2.2.0-1          + object_2.2.0-2   // object heading: ""               ; object number: 2.2.0-2          |  .          |  .          |  .          + object_2.2.0-d   // object heading: ""               ; object number: 2.2.0-d  , on , forth . . . 


*object heading , text*, version, data 

object heading , text seems doors thing, won't explain here. data here generic (and, in reality, represents more 1 attribute). data applicable versions while other data applicable other versions. data different versions may intersect while data other versions mutually exclusive. version single string delimits different versions new lines, "\n". so, let's assume version is:

v1\nv2\nv3 . . . v\nvx 

or, in more readable format:

v1 v2 v3  .  .  . vx 

what's more, version 1 object may (comma-separated here readability) v1, v2, v3, . . ., vx while might v1, v3 , perhaps v2. combination of available versions, really.

the problem

what i'm attempting seems me should easy. no-brainer. pick example, let's want apply filter whereby view sub-heading1.2 , children, , version v3. i've tried many variations on theme, can seem accomplish 1 or other. either isolate data single section or single version, cannot both. when apply filter single section, sub-heading1.2 , children, , , "includes v3"; section, refuses show section v3.

in programming language, a , b , c evaluates true if , if a , b , c. i'm seeing in doors seems me more (a , b) or c.

with doors database described above, how can view objects in given range (or object , descendants) given version? know dxl exists potential solution, gui solution preferable.

your issue include descendants. options ignores filter. saying is, "show me matches filter, , of descendants".

using example above, want filter is:

object number >= 1.2 , object number < 2 (or maybe 1.3 depending on how want it) , version includes v3 

this give looking for. sure not include descendants negate second rule in filter.

good luck!


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