java - Exclude Package From Gradle Dependency -

i'm experiencing issue multiple versions of same class showing in classpath. class in question version want use brought in however, use jira rest client library has dependency on older version of jersey (com.sun.jersey:jersey-core) has included packages bundled in it's jar.

here example snippet build file:

dependencies {   compile 'com.atlassian.jira:jira-rest-java-client-core:2.0.0-m31'   compile ''   compile 'org.glassfish.jersey.core:jersey-client:2.17' } 

i can't remove com.sun.jersey:jersey-core uses different package name new version , cause class def not found exceptions in jira client.

as far can tell, options @ point are:

  1. revert using jersey 1.x , it's implementation of jsr311
  2. somehow have gradle exclude package old jersey client.

i'd keep using newer version of jersey #2 ideal solution i'm not sure if it's possible. know how go this? if that's not possible, i'm open other suggestions.

you can exclude transitive dependency module this:

   compile ('org.glassfish.jersey.core:jersey-client:2.17') {       exclude group: ''       exclude module: ''    } 

ref: 50.4.7 here


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