sqlite - window.openDatabase() not working in phonegap javascript -

i trying store files database using phonegap. getting error window object not support opendatabase. can give me solution? documents have read give same syntax. going wrong?

storeindb : function(csvbucketarr){     db = window.opendatabase("testdb" , "1.0", "testdb", 1000000);     db.transaction(app.setup, app.errorhandler, app.dbready);      console.log("db ready!!"); },  setup: function(tx){     tx.executesql("create table if not exists filelog(id integer primary key autoincrement, filename text unique, bucketname text not null)"); },  errorhandler: function(e){     alert("error :: " + e.message); },  dbready: function(csvbucketarr){     db.transaction(function(tx){         for(var in csvbucketarr){             var fname = csvbucketarr[i].filekey, bname = csvbucketsarr[i].bucketname;             tx.executesql("insert filelog( filename , bucketname) values (?,?)", [fname, bname]);             alert("in dbready");         }     }, errorhandler, function(){alert("files added table");}); } 


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