java - Logging all network traffic in Spring mvc -

i have spring mvc application using requestbody , responsebody annotations. configured mappingjackson2httpmessageconverter. have slf4j set up. log json comes in , out controller. did extend

mappingjackson2httpmessageconverter  @override public object read(type type, class<?> contextclass, httpinputmessage inputmessage)         throws ioexception, httpmessagenotreadableexception {     logstream(inputmessage.getbody());     return, contextclass, inputmessage); } 

i can input stream, if read content becomes empty , loose message. mark() , reset() not supported. implemented pushbackinputstream, tried read it's content , push this:

public void logstream(inputstream is) {     if (is instanceof pushbackinputstream)     try {         pushbackinputstream pushbackinputstream = (pushbackinputstream) is;         byte[] bytes = new byte[20000];         stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder(is.available());         int red =;         int pos =0;         while (red > -1) {             bytes[pos] = (byte) red;             pos=1 + pos;             red =;         }         pushbackinputstream.unread(bytes,0, pos-1);"json payload " + sb.tostring());     } catch (exception e) {         log.error("ignoring exception in logger ", e);     } } 

but exception push buffer full 

i tried turn on logging on http level described here:spring resttemplate - how enable full debugging/logging of requests/responses? without luck.

after more whole work day of experimenting got working solution. consists of logging filter, 2 wrappers request , response , registration of logging filter:

the filter class is:

/**  * http logging filter, wraps around request , response in  * each http call , logs  * whole request , response bodies. enabled   * putting instance filter chain  * overriding getservletfilters() in    * abstractannotationconfigdispatcherservletinitializer.  */ public class loggingfilter extends abstractrequestloggingfilter {  private static final logger log = loggerfactory.getlogger(loggingfilter.class);  @override protected void dofilterinternal(httpservletrequest request, httpservletresponse response, filterchain filterchain)         throws servletexception, ioexception {     long id = system.currenttimemillis();     requestloggingwrapper requestloggingwrapper = new requestloggingwrapper(id, request);     responseloggingwrapper responseloggingwrapper = new responseloggingwrapper(id, response);     log.debug(id + ": http request " + request.getrequesturi());     super.dofilterinternal(requestloggingwrapper, responseloggingwrapper, filterchain);     log.debug(id + ": http response " + response.getstatus() + " finished in " + (system.currenttimemillis() - id) + "ms"); }  @override protected void beforerequest(httpservletrequest request, string message) {  }  @override protected void afterrequest(httpservletrequest request, string message) {  } } 

this class using stream wrappers, suggested master slave , david ehrmann.

request wrapper looks this:

/**  * request logging wrapper using proxy split stream extract request body  */ public class requestloggingwrapper extends httpservletrequestwrapper { private static final logger log =  loggerfactory.getlogger(requestloggingwrapper.class); private final bytearrayoutputstream bos = new bytearrayoutputstream(); private long id;  /**  * @param requestid , id gets logged output file. it's used bind request  *                  response  * @param request   request want extract post data  */ public requestloggingwrapper(long requestid, httpservletrequest request) {     super(request); = requestid; }  @override public servletinputstream getinputstream() throws ioexception {     final servletinputstream servletinputstream = requestloggingwrapper.super.getinputstream();     return new servletinputstream() {         private teeinputstream tee = new teeinputstream(servletinputstream, bos);          @override         public int read() throws ioexception {             return;         }          @override         public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws ioexception {             return, off, len);         }          @override         public int read(byte[] b) throws ioexception {             return;         }          @override         public boolean isfinished() {             return servletinputstream.isfinished();         }          @override         public boolean isready() {             return servletinputstream.isready();         }          @override         public void setreadlistener(readlistener readlistener) {             servletinputstream.setreadlistener(readlistener);         }          @override         public void close() throws ioexception {             super.close();             // logging             logrequest();         }     }; }  public void logrequest() { + ": http request " + new string(tobytearray())); }  public byte[] tobytearray() {     return bos.tobytearray(); }  public long getid() {     return id; }  public void setid(long id) { = id; } } 

and response wrapper different in close/flush method (close doesn't called)

public class responseloggingwrapper extends httpservletresponsewrapper { private static final logger log = loggerfactory.getlogger(responseloggingwrapper.class); private final bytearrayoutputstream bos = new bytearrayoutputstream(); private long id;  /**  * @param requestid , id gets logged output file. it's used bind response  *                  response (they have same id, currenttimemilis used)  * @param response  response want extract stream data  */ public responseloggingwrapper(long requestid, httpservletresponse response) {     super(response); = requestid; }  @override public servletoutputstream getoutputstream() throws ioexception {     final servletoutputstream servletoutputstream = responseloggingwrapper.super.getoutputstream();     return new servletoutputstream() {         private teeoutputstream tee = new teeoutputstream(servletoutputstream, bos);          @override         public void write(byte[] b) throws ioexception {             tee.write(b);         }          @override         public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws ioexception {             tee.write(b, off, len);         }          @override         public void flush() throws ioexception {             tee.flush();             logrequest();         }          @override         public void write(int b) throws ioexception {             tee.write(b);         }          @override         public boolean isready() {             return servletoutputstream.isready();         }          @override         public void setwritelistener(writelistener writelistener) {             servletoutputstream.setwritelistener(writelistener);         }           @override         public void close() throws ioexception {             super.close();             // logging             logrequest();         }     }; }  public void logrequest() {     byte[] tolog = tobytearray();     if (tolog != null && tolog.length > 0) + ": http response " + new string(tolog)); }  /**  * method clear buffer,  *  * @return captured bytes stream  */ public byte[] tobytearray() {     byte[] ret = bos.tobytearray();     bos.reset();     return ret; }  public long getid() {     return id; }  public void setid(long id) { = id; } 


at last loggingfilter needs registered in abstractannotationconfigdispatcherservletinitializer this:

 @override protected filter[] getservletfilters() {     loggingfilter requestloggingfilter = new loggingfilter();      return new filter[]{requestloggingfilter}; } 

i know, there maven lib this, don't want include whole lib because of small logging utility. harder thought. expected achieve modifying still think should part of spring.


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