java - Weird behaviour : Activity not getting started again when first started with FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK -

my scenario is,

when application starts after user logs in starting activity in following manner,

intent rangefinderscreen = new intent(yourlocationscreen.this, rangefinderscreen.class); rangefinderscreen.setflags(intent.flag_activity_new_task | intent.flag_activity_clear_task); startactivity(rangefinderscreen); 

i using intent.flag_activity_new_task | intent.flag_activity_clear_task previous activity stack gets cleared , starts new task.

then have bottom bar navigate between activities, have made common listener (activity) , implemented in activities. looks following,

public class commonlistenerforbottombuttons extends activity implements view.onclicklistener{      context context;     string buttonname;      public commonlistenerforbottombuttons(context context, string buttonname){         this.context = context;         this.buttonname = buttonname;     }      @override     public void onclick(view v) {         switch(buttonname){             case "play":                 intent rangefinder = new intent(context, rangefinderscreen.class);                 rangefinder.setflags(intent.flag_activity_new_task);                 context.startactivity(rangefinder);                 break;                  // , on more cases          }     } } 


if while starting activity first time following,

intent rangefinderscreen = new intent(yourlocationscreen.this, rangefinderscreen.class); startactivity(rangefinderscreen); 

then works.

but if following way (as doing now), i.e. using rangefinderscreen.setflags(intent.flag_activity_new_task | intent.flag_activity_clear_task);

then activity doesn't started again.

however if start activity other activity rather common listener activity like,

intent rangefinder = new intent(mygolflerscreen.this, rangefinderscreen.class); startactivity(rangefinder); 

then starts.


below how initializing common listener in activities:

homelinearlayout.setonclicklistener(new commonlistenerforbottombuttons(getapplicationcontext(), "home")); playlinearlayout.setonclicklistener(new commonlistenerforbottombuttons(getapplicationcontext(), "play")); weatherlinearlayout.setonclicklistener(new commonlistenerforbottombuttons(getapplicationcontext(), "weather")); messagelinearlayout.setonclicklistener(new commonlistenerforbottombuttons(getapplicationcontext(), "message")); mygolflerlinearlayout.setonclicklistener(new commonlistenerforbottombuttons(getapplicationcontext(), "mygolfer")); 

all other activities start except 1 started flag intent.flag_activity_new_task.

manifest file entry

<activity     android:name=".rangefinderscreen"     android:label="@string/title_activity_range_finder_screen"     android:screenorientation="portrait" > </activity> 

if concern manage stacks prefer use "singletop" activities , starting them flag intent.flag_activity_clear_top manage want do.

you can add launchmode in manifest inside activity tag equal "singletop" .

hope works ...


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