Android Server Socket -

i unable reach android server on emulator program on desktop, how solve it?

some code (from how find lan ip address of android device?):

public static arraylist<string> getselfip(){     try {         arraylist<string> iplist = new arraylist<>();         (enumeration<networkinterface> en = networkinterface.getnetworkinterfaces(); en.hasmoreelements();) {             networkinterface intf = en.nextelement();             (enumeration<inetaddress> enumipaddr = intf.getinetaddresses(); enumipaddr.hasmoreelements();) {                 inetaddress inetaddress = enumipaddr.nextelement();                 if (!inetaddress.isloopbackaddress()) {                     iplist.add(inetaddress.gethostaddress().tostring());                 }             }         }          return iplist;     } catch (socketexception ex) {}     return null; } 

the result [fe80::5054:ff:fe12:3456%eth0,]

what have configure or make emulator reachable desktop programs?

i have done following:

> adb forward tcp:50000 tcp:50000

however, unable access server through localhost:50000.

try using ip address

it special alias host loopback interface (i.e., on development machine)


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