php - Is it possible high availability with Redis Cluster when using it as session handler? -

we trying use redis cluster storing session data using last version of phpredis, 2.2.5, downloaded github repository 19 juin of 2015, configuring redis sessions handler in php.ini configuraiton file.

we have 6 instances, 3 masters , 3 slaves , have tested storing , reading session data works.

however if shutdown master following error shown our application:

fatal error: uncaught exception 'redisexception' message 'connection closed' in /users/ets01/lib/php/dein/class.psasession.php:64 stack trace: #0 /users/ets01/lib/php/dein/class.psasession.php(64): session_start() #1 /users/ets01/lib/php/dein/class.psapage.php(102): psasession->__construct() #2 /users/ets01/web/inc/class.app2page.php(11): psapage->__construct('b', 11) #3 /users/ets01/web/html/index.php(11): app2page->__construct() #4 {main} thrown in /users/ets01/lib/php/dein/class.psasession.php on line 64  fatal error: uncaught exception 'redisexception' message 'connection closed' in [no active file]:0 stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in [no active file] on line 0 

connection closed, , cluster not works to, connection redone instance.

does phpredis driver manage connections cluster? provides automatically chance of getting value cluster instance?

we resolved problems :-)

at moment of creating cluster have use server ip instead of

redis-trib.rb create --replicas 1 

now setting , getting values in cluster php script works.

also, using session handler had use 5.6 version of, previous versions have "segmentation fault" error.


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