database - How can I have can I divide a single query (Cypher) in three distinct queries (Select part, Insert part And Update part) -

i mean, instead of having single query given input give me result, have 3 queries. (e.g query(input) = result) first 1 choosing result, select(input) = result second 1 creating elements result, create(result) = creation , third one, updates on "input", update(result) = updatedresult

my query in cypher that

------select part------- match (a:node)-[*..]-(), (b:node), (c:node) = 'john', (c)-[*]-(b) .... -------end of select part------------ ------create part-------------- create (n:town {'town'})-[:isconnected]->(....) -------end of create part------------- ------update part----------- set = etc.... ----end of update return a, b, c 

as query, able divide each part in own query, not running them @ once. how that?

thank you!

i want 3 queries when processed in serie have same effect query above. want query makes select part, result select, results updated update query, , create query use result select part in order create items (nodes , relationships).

it's not problem web application, control @ distance, programming problem, how can have 3 queries when excecuted sequentially (select, create, update) equivalent query above.



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