javascript - Adding an Image to HTML Based on Outcome of If/Else (innerHTML? DOM?) -

i'm doing basic rock paper scissors game in javascript, nothing new i'm trying fancy little. of ones see output computer selected in plain text via innerhtml , that's fine want show image based on selected.

the basic game function playgame passes choice comparechoices function. instead of passing "the computer chose: rock" span id="result" pass image. i've been reading dom , nodes , stuff i'm having difficulty understanding how apply here.

let's assume have image named rock.gif want pass result span when computer selects "rock". how do it? if involves using dom , not innerhtml please me understand , explain little going on. thanks!

function playgame(userselect) {  useroption = userselect;  var computerselection = math.random();  if (computerselection < 0.34) {     computerselection = "rock";  } else if (computerselection <= 0.67) {     computerselection = "paper"; } else {     computerselction = "scissors"; }  results = comparechoices(useroption, computerselection);  document.getelementbyid("result").innerhtml = "<p>the computer chose " +     computerselection; document.getelementbyid("whowon").innerhtml = results; }   function comparechoices(useroption, computerselection) {   if (useroption == computerselection) {     return "it's tie!"; }  if (useroption == "rock") {     if (computerselection == "scissors")     {         return "you win!";     }         else         {         return "you lose!";         }  } else if (useroption == "paper") {      if (computerselection == "rock")     {         return "you win!" ;     } else if("scissors") {         return "you lose!" ;     }  } else if (useroption == "scissors") {      if (computerselection == "rock")     {         return "you lose!";     }else{         return "you win!";     } } } 


<span id="result"></span> 

ok, slimmed down code needed.

basically put empty image tag on page , set src javascript. take looks , let me know if there dont understand. have right click , inspect image see src, until have th eimages in project.

user = 0.64;    playgame(user);    function playgame(userselect) {      useroption = userselect;      var computerselection = math.random();      if (computerselection < 0.34) {      computerselection = "rock.gif";      } else if (computerselection <= 0.67) {      computerselection = "paper.gif";          } else {      computerselection = "scissors.gif";    }            document.getelementbyid("result").innerhtml = "<p>the computer chose " +      computerselection;    document.getelementbyid("image").src = computerselection;  }
<img id="image" src="">  <span id="result"></span>  <span id="whowon"></span>


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