c# - Does my UoW class need to implement IDisposable if my BaseUow already implements it? -

i have created base class unit of work called baseuow inherits idisposable so:

public class baseuow : idisposable { } 

my question is... if create class called useruow example inherits baseuow useruow need implement idisposable or handled baseuow

public class baseuow : ibaseuow { } 


public class baseuow : ibaseuow, idisposable { } 


public interface ibaseuow {     virtual void dispose(bool disposing);     void commit(); } 

you don't need add class declaration, unless want make explicit readability.

however, may need, add protected virtual void dispose(bool disposing){ method override perform child class' clean tasks if there any.

see here more information on proper pattern follow.

edit: pointed out in comments, if extending base baseuow class. because "pictures" show implementing other interface, not extending base class in question.


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