connection - Connect IOT module to the internet server -

i have developed iot module can connect wi-fi , send data internet, module can send data (string) specific ip address on specific port.

the internet server should store information data base , display information user via http (web page).

when set port 9081 (any random number) , local computer ip address ip address module should send data to, can see data on local computer terminal.

my question how can send data internet? have in mind can purchase domain name, host , develop web site (http) default listen port 80. service provider give me basic services such http, https , ftp make possible upload website , don’t have access other protocols , ports.

should purchase virtual private server or should use specific cloud services or module can send data server on port 80 without getting conflict web pages , web contents?

please give me suggestion.

i did similar iot module. there 2 options considered. before describe, there no need buy domain name. can comfortably use ip address connect to. if have spare cash go it.

  1. send web server on local computer. have access local computer must enable port 80 accessible on internet. on router. called port forwarding. setup rule such requests made ip address on port 80 should redirected local computer on whatever port web server listening to. cheapest method available. also, there important limitation: you're local computer needs switched on time if want access data.

  2. buy droplet (virtual private server). workflow same 1, don't need port forwarding anything. these setup , ready use. however, expensive. of these providers offer pay-as-you-go services (e.g., digital ocean 1 used). there other providers offer free limited versions. these developer trial versions. if go on number of transactions, or space, have pay (have @ parse).


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