java - Not a JSON Object Exception -

i'm trying json values distance24 json output via google gson. can't figure out , exception comes (i'm using google appengine java).

here's class send , request , response.

package;  import;  import javax.inject.inject; import;  import; import; import;  import; import;  public class distance24client {      private final urlfetchservice service;      @inject     public distance24client(urlfetchservice service) {         this.service = service;     }      public distance24 getdistanceapi(string source, string destination) throws ioexception {         url url = new url("" + source + "|" + destination);         httpresponse response = service.fetch(url);         string jsonstring = urlfetchservicehelper.tostring(response);         try {             jsonobject json = jsonhelper.parse(jsonstring);             return todistance24(json);         } catch (exception e) {             throw new ioexception("error ocurred in getdistanceapi(): " + e.getmessage());         }     }      private distance24 todistance24(jsonobject response) {         if (!(response.get("stops").getasjsonobject().getasjsonarray().size() != 0)) {             throw new illegalargumentexception("no status set distance24 api");         } else {             jsonobject distances = response.get("distances").getasjsonobject();             return new distance24(distances);         }     }  } 

and here's distance24 object:

package;  import; import;  public class distance24 {      private int[] distances;     private int totaldistance;     private double sourcelat;     private double sourcelon;     private double destlat;     private double destlong;      public distance24(jsonobject distances) {         this.setdistances(getintarray(distances));         this.settotaldistance(getsum(this.distances));         this.setsourcelat(distances.get("stops").getasjsonobject().getasjsonarray().get(0).getasjsonobject().get("latitude").getasdouble());         this.setsourcelon(distances.get("stops").getasjsonobject().getasjsonarray().get(0).getasjsonobject().get("longitude").getasdouble());         this.setdestlat(distances.get("stops").getasjsonobject().getasjsonarray().get(1).getasjsonobject().get("latitude").getasdouble());         this.setdestlong(distances.get("stops").getasjsonobject().getasjsonarray().get(1).getasjsonobject().get("longitude").getasdouble());     }      private int[] getintarray(jsonobject array) {         jsonarray distances = array.getasjsonarray();         int[] result = new int[distances.size()];         for(int = 0; < distances.size(); i++) {             result[i] = distances.get(i).getasint();         }          return result;     }      private int getsum(int[] array) {         int sum = 0;         for(int element : array) {             sum += element;         }          return sum;     }      private void setdistances(int[] distances) {         this.distances = distances;          }      public int gettotaldistance() {         return totaldistance;     }      public void settotaldistance(int totaldistance) {         this.totaldistance = totaldistance;     }      public double getsourcelat() {         return sourcelat;     }      public void setsourcelat(double sourcelat) {         this.sourcelat = sourcelat;     }      public double getsourcelon() {         return sourcelon;     }      public void setsourcelon(double sourcelon) {         this.sourcelon = sourcelon;     }      public double getdestlat() {         return destlat;     }      public void setdestlat(double destlat) {         this.destlat = destlat;     }      public double getdestlong() {         return destlong;     }      public void setdestlong(double destlong) {         this.destlong = destlong;     }  } 

as result, whole json object string output e.getmessage(). guess information retrieving works, though it's on wrong part of code.

plus in same try-catch-block of code (distance24client, method "todistance24") says, error ocurred in line 30, return statement of "todistance24" method.



running|dublin browser gives me

{"stops":[{"region":"michigan ... "distances":[5581]} 

so distances array , not object. line:

jsonobject distances = response.get("distances").getasjsonobject(); 

is wrong. read distances jsonarray.


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