Spring Portlet Jquery Ajax post json dateTime conversion error -

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spring portlet jquery ajax post controller

i'm submitting form jquery ajax spring portlet mvc controller. issue starttimestamp , endtimestamp datetime in pojo. json sends string , conversion not happeinng. error is:

systemout     o 14:10:16.040 [webcontainer : 2] debug org.springframework.beans.beanutils - no property editor [org.joda.time.datetimeeditor] found type org.joda.time.datetime according 'editor' suffix convention     ... systemout     o error::failed convert property value of type 'java.lang.string' required type 'org.joda.time.datetime' property 'starttimestamp'; nested exception java.lang.illegalstateexception: cannot convert value of type [java.lang.string] required type [org.joda.time.datetime] property 'starttimestamp': no matching editors or conversion strategy found 

i can't edit pojo , add @datetimeformat because pojos generated xsd. tried adding customobjectmapper, nothing works. appreciated.

function addnew() {              var startdateele = $('#start_date').val();             var starttimeele = document.getelementbyid("start_time");             var starttime = starttimeele.options[starttimeele.selectedindex].value;             var startdate = new date(startdateele + ' ' +starttime);              var enddateele = $('#end_date').val();             var endtimeele = document.getelementbyid("end_time");             var endtime = endtimeele.options[endtimeele.selectedindex].value;             var enddate = new date(enddateele + ' ' +endtime);              var dataobject = {                     'starttimestamp': startdate,                     'endtimestamp': enddate,                     'description': $('#0_message').val(),                     'active': $("input[name=status]:checked").val()                 };             $.ajax({                 url: "<%=addnewurl%>",                 type: 'post',                 data: dataobject             }).done(function(json){                 console.log(json);                   //alert("json::"+json);                 alert("success!");             }).fail(function() {                 alert("oops! error occured while processing request. please try again after sometime.");             }); } 


@resourcemapping(value = "addnewurl")     public void addnew(@modelattribute(value = "dataobject") custobj n,                         bindingresult bindingresult, resourcerequest request, resourceresponse response, modelmap model) throws exception {          if (!bindingresult.haserrors()) {         ...          } } 

please help

i able solve issue adding controller. main reason had was portlet mvc , couldn't add annotation pojo generated xsd:

       @initbinder        public void initbinder(webdatabinder binder) {              binder.initdirectfieldaccess();              /* register appropriate date editor */             string dateformat = "eee mmm dd yyyy hh:mm:ss 'gmt'z";             binder.registercustomeditor(datetime.class, new datetimeeditor(dateformat, false));        } 


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