tfs2013 - TFS Drag and Drop Priority Broken on Kanban board -

i new tfs (coming jira background) , have been learning administrate system via xml documents. started copying agile template , modifying needs. somewhere along way must have broken kanban drag-and-drop prioritizing backlog items, have no idea how broke or how fix it.

i working in custom project template , periodically uploading server validate nothing broken rejected.

i guess question is, need use field in wit in order enable drag-and-drop or supposed work out of box? did add field microsoft.vsts.common.stackrank didn't trick.

in case isn't clear, here quick screen grab of issue: tfs drag-and-drop broken

right have week of work (and learning) project template , don't want have start scratch fix drag-and-drop. advice more experienced admin appreciated. tfs 2013.

xml related stack rank in wit:

<field name="stack rank" refname="microsoft.vsts.common.stackrank" type="double" reportable="dimension">     <helptext>work first on items lower-valued stack rank. set in backlog.</helptext> </field> 

just realized tfs has never allowed drag-and-drop re-ordering on kanban board, backlog page. coming jira had expectations set incorrectly. right world.


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