angularjs ui-sref address named view -

i make this:

.state('tabs.order', {     url: "/order/:orderid",     views: {         'orders-tab': {             templateurl: "templates/orderdetail.html",             controller: 'orderdetailcontroller'         },         'orders-all-tab': {             templateurl: "templates/orderdetail.html",             controller: 'orderdetailcontroller'         }     } }) 

then in view put conditional ui-sref in can choose tab addressed; this:

ui-sref="tabs.order({}, <orders-tab or orders-all-tab?>)" 

would possible? thanks

well, don't think there way yet specify view in ui-sref, here starting point hope you..

firstly, routes:

app.config(function($stateprovider, $urlrouterprovider){  $urlrouterprovider.otherwise("/order/all-orders");  $stateprovider     .state("order", { abtract: true, url:"/order", templateurl:"main.html" })         .state("order.ordertab", { url: "/order-details", templateurl: "orderdetails.html" })         .state("order.orderalltab", { url: "/all-orders", templateurl: "allorders.html" }); }); 

then, define main page (orders , order details) [main.html]

<div ng-controller="maincontroller">     <tabset>         <tab              ng-repeat="t in tabs"              heading="{{t.heading}}"             select="go(t.route)"             active="">         </tab>     </tabset>     <h2>view:</h2>     <div ui-view></div> </div> 

and page controller specify tab data:

app.controller("maincontroller", function($rootscope, $scope, $state) {           $scope.go = function(route){         $state.go(route);     };      $ = function(route){         return $;     };      $scope.tabs = [         { heading: "order", route:"order.ordertab", active:true },         { heading: "all orders", route:"order.orderalltab", active:false },     ];      $scope.$on("$statechangesuccess", function() {         $scope.tabs.foreach(function(tab) {    = $;         });     }); }); 

all have next include orderid.
here demo


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