Null set returned by mongodb aggregate Cursor in PHP -

mongodb aggregate query returning empty set .below query using in php script retrieve data mongodb .please let me know going wrong.

  $result = $collection->aggregatecursor([[ '$match'=> [ 'date'=> [ '$gte'=>isodate("2015-06-01t00:00:00z"), '$lte'=>isodate("2015-06-03t00:00:00z")] ] ],[ '$group'=> [ '_id'=> '$date', 'count'=> [ '$sum'=>1 ] ] ]]); 

if run same query in mongodb showing output expected.

  db.mnumber.aggregate([{ $match: { date: { $gte:new isodate("2015-06-01t00:00:00z"), $lte:new isodate("2015-06-03t00:00:00z") } } },{ $group: { _id: "$date", 'count': { $sum:1 } } }])     { "_id" : isodate("2015-06-01t00:00:00z"), "count" : 10000 }     { "_id" : isodate("2015-06-02t00:00:00z"), "count" : 10000 }     { "_id" : isodate("2015-06-03t00:00:00z"), "count" : 10000 } 

sample data in collection:

{         "_id" : objectid("55743941789a9abe7f4af3fd"),         "msisdn" : "1234567890",         "act_date" : isodate("2014-11-24t00:00:00z"),         "date" : isodate("2015-06-07t00:00:00z"),         "recharge_stats" : {                 "recharge_amt" : 0,                 "rechargetype" : "web"         },         "voice_usage" : {                 "local_og_mou" : 20,                 "local_other_mobile_og_mou" : 0,                 "nld_og_mou" : 0,                 "nld_other_mobile_og_mou" : 10         },         "gprs_usage" : {                 "total_access_count" : 1,                 "total_datavolume_mb" : 42         },         "sms_usage" : {                 "freesms" : 3,                 "local_sms_count" : 0,                 "nat_sms_count" : 0,                 "inter_sms_count" : 0         },         "campaign_details" : {                 "camp_id" : "m01124",                 "message" : "hello .",                 "msg_id" : "9174051951412054925609431100",                 "cmp_activation_status" : "yes"         } } 

try generate mongodate() object follows

$datefrom = new mongodate(strtotime("2015-06-01t00:00:00z")); $dateto = new mongodate(strtotime("2015-06-03t00:00:00z")); 

which can use in aggregation pipeline instead of mongodb isodate objects in php query.

/* run command cursor */ $result = $collection->aggregatecursor(     [         [ '$match' => [ 'date'=> [ '$gte' => $datefrom, '$lte' =>  $dateto ]  ] ],         [ '$group' => [ '_id' => '$date', 'count' => [ '$sum' => 1 ] ] ]                 ]         ); 


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