gulp Bower wiredep not picking up bootstrap.css? -

i have index.html file. in bower.json file have dependency:

"bootstrap": "~3.3.2" 

in gulp file have:

  gulp.src('./main.html')     .pipe(wiredep({       bowerjson: require('./bower.json')     }))     .pipe(gulp.dest('./')); 

when this, see css , js being generated, not see bootstrap.css included anywhere within inject, other dependencies are. going on?

i figure there must simple fix this? or gulp have problems compared grunt?

update: getting **** thrown @ me @ hardcore maven fanatic how bower , node sucks compared maven , how after bower install have manually modify bower.json file of package after downloads. if there way legitimately not have modify bower.json or way incorporate build process not having require developer this... please update!

after changed bower.json file in root pointing *.less file following:

"main": ["dist/css/bootstrap.css"], 

it works.

note: removed entry bootstrap.js because don't need it.


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