html - How to make a navigation bar permanently on top? -

can make navigation bar on top?

i not talking : position: fixed; thing...

the problem navbar when zoom out not on top anymore...

how can make site's navigation bar is on top when zoom out?


is there chance can make facebook's navbar (the 1 on top says home)
has fixed position still same when zoomed in or out.

the code whole css here , html navbar there also

if want check site link is:


	ul.navbar{  	float: left;  	display: inline;  }    #hyper{  	position: relative;  	top: 70px;  	z-index: -1;  	opacity: 0.9;  }    a.navbar{  	display: inline;  	padding: 9px;  	display: block;  	float: left;  	background-color: #009900;  	text-decoration: none;  	border-right: 53px solid red;  	width: 70px;  }    a.navbar:hover{  	color: #009900;  	background-color: blue;  }    div.navbar{  	border: 0px;  	background-color: red;  	width: 40000px;  	height: 50px;  	padding-top: 0px;  	padding-bottom: 2px;  	position: fixed;  	bottom: 623px;    }      #link1,#link2,#link3,#link4,#link5,#link6,#link7{  	position: relative;  	bottom: 9px;  }    #cons{  	position: relative;  	top: 150px;  	width: 250px;  	z-index: -1;  }    h1{  	color: yellow;  	font-family: 'press start 2p', cursive;  	text-align: center;  	position: relative;  	top: 40px;  	opacity: 0.5;  }    h2{  	color: #009900;  	text-align: center;  	font-family:'orbitron', sans-serif;  	position: relative;  	top: 120px;  	font-size: 60px;  }    #data{  	color: #b2950b;  	text-align: right;  	font-family: 'amatic sc', cursive;  	position: relative;  	top: 300px;  	font-size: 17px;  }    #marq{  	color: #fff;  	background-color: black;  	position: relative;  	top: 70px;  	font-family: 'josefin slab', serif;  }
<div id="dmenu" class="navbar">  <center>  <ul><a class="navbar" id="link1" href="index.html">home</a></ul>  <ul><a class="navbar" id="link2" href="index.html">games</a></ul>  <ul><a class="navbar" id="link3" href="index.html">tutorial</a></ul>  <ul><a class="navbar" id="link4" href="index.html">gamers</a></ul>  <ul><a class="navbar" id="link5" href="index.html">contact</a></ul>  <ul><a class="navbar" id="link6" href="index.html">about</a></ul>  <ul><a class="navbar" id="link7" href="index.html">donate</a></ul>  </div>  </center>

you have use: top: 0; instead of bottom: 623px; div.navbar. using bottom property why div.navbar element goes down when zooms out page.

before: enter image description here

after: enter image description here


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