osx - YouTube iFrame embed pausing after few seconds -

i have mac os x application , using webview (webkit) embed youtube iframe.

for reason keeps pausing on videos after few seconds. stuck loading.

flash npapi plug-in version installed.

xcode throwing error: ignoring controltimebase set client because avsamplebufferdisplaylayer added synchronizer

here code iframe embed, same 1 youtube provides.

<div id="ytplayer"></div> <script>   document.body.setattribute("style", "margin-left:0px;margin-top:0px;background-color:#000000");   var tag = document.createelement('script');   tag.src = "https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api";   var firstscripttag = document.getelementsbytagname('script')[0];   firstscripttag.parentnode.insertbefore(tag, firstscripttag);   var player;    function onyoutubeplayerapiready() {     player = new yt.player('ytplayer', {       height: '200',       width: '300',       videoid: '%@',       playervars: {         'controls': 0,         'html5': 1,         'autoplay': 1       }     });   } </script> 

it working fine until couple days ago. believe youtube might have updated something, mean error on end.


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