excel - Closing just CSVs -

how can close specific excel workbook in powershell?

i have script opens 4 csv files , xls file , manipulates data. having problem closing csv files , leaving xls file open.

i have tried $xl.workbooks.close() closes everything. have tried $file.close() still no luck. tried open workbooks this:

$xl3 = $xl.workbooks.open($wfile) | out-null $xl4 = $xl.workbooks.open($xfile) | out-null $xl5 = $xl.workbooks.open($yfile) | out-null $xl6 = $xl.workbooks.open($zfile) | out-null 

and close them


you should able close csvs this:

$xl.workbooks | ? { $_.name -like '*.csv' } | % {   $_.close($false) } 

calling close method savechanges parameter set $false discards unsaved changes file.


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