ffmpeg - swscaler@0dd9e620: deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly" -

i decoding rtsp video stream ffmpeg. @ display time (call cv::imshow(...)), following exception:

[swscaler @ 0d55e5c0] deprecated pixel format used, make sure did set range correctly

i converting pixel format "av_pix_fmt_yuvj420p" "av_pix_fmt_yuv420p". still getting above exception. appreciated;

int decodestream() {     av_register_all();     avdevice_register_all();     avcodec_register_all();     avformat_network_init();      const char  *filenamesrc = "rtsp://";      avcodeccontext  *pcodecctx;     avformatcontext *pformatctx = avformat_alloc_context();      avcodec * pcodec;     avframe *pframe, *pframergb;      if(avformat_open_input(&pformatctx,filenamesrc,null,null) != 0)     {return -1;}      if(av_find_stream_info(pformatctx) < 0)        {return -1;}      av_dump_format(pformatctx, 0, filenamesrc, 0);      int videostream = 1;      for(int i=0; < pformatctx->nb_streams; i++)     {         if(pformatctx->streams[i]->codec->coder_type==avmedia_type_video)         {             videostream = i;             break;         }     }      if(videostream == -1) return -1 ;      pcodecctx = pformatctx->streams[videostream]->codec;      pcodec =avcodec_find_decoder(pcodecctx->codec_id);      if(pcodec==null)     {return -1;} //codec not found      if(avcodec_open2(pcodecctx,pcodec,null) < 0)     { return -1;}      pframe    = avcodec_alloc_frame();     pframergb = avcodec_alloc_frame();      uint8_t *buffer;      int numbytes;      avpixelformat  pformat;      switch (pformatctx->streams[videostream]->codec->pix_fmt)      {     case av_pix_fmt_yuvj420p : pformat = av_pix_fmt_yuv420p; break;     case av_pix_fmt_yuvj422p : pformat = av_pix_fmt_yuv422p; break;     case av_pix_fmt_yuvj444p : pformat = av_pix_fmt_yuv444p; break;     case av_pix_fmt_yuvj440p : pformat = av_pix_fmt_yuv440p;      default:         pformat = pformatctx->streams[videostream]->codec->pix_fmt;         break;     }      numbytes = avpicture_get_size(pformat,pcodecctx->width,pcodecctx->height) ;       buffer = (uint8_t *) av_malloc(numbytes*sizeof(uint8_t));      avpicture_fill((avpicture *) pframergb,buffer,pformat,pcodecctx->width,pcodecctx->height);      int res, framefinished;      avpacket packet;      while(res = av_read_frame(pformatctx,&packet)>=0)     {          if(packet.stream_index == videostream){              avcodec_decode_video2(pcodecctx,pframe,&framefinished,&packet);              if(framefinished){                  struct swscontext * img_convert_ctx;                  img_convert_ctx = sws_getcachedcontext(null,pcodecctx->width, pcodecctx->height, pcodecctx->pix_fmt,   pcodecctx->width, pcodecctx->height, av_pix_fmt_bgr24, sws_bicubic, null, null,null);                  sws_scale(img_convert_ctx, ((avpicture*)pframe)->data, ((avpicture*)pframe)->linesize, 0, pcodecctx->height, ((avpicture *)pframergb)->data, ((avpicture *)pframergb)->linesize);                  cv::mat img(pframe->height,pframe->width,cv_8uc3,pframergb->data[0]);                 cv::imshow("display",img);                 cvwaitkey(10);                       }         }      }     //memory clean code goes here  } 


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