javascript - AngularJS : How to make dynamic field button only for last button? -

in dynamic input field there option implement plussign = true last item ?

(function() {    var app = angular.module('managementapp', []);    // var app = angular.module('managementapp', ['ngroute']);    app.controller('phonebookcontroller', function($scope, $http) {      $scope.dynamicfield = function(buttonstatus, inputindex) {        if (!buttonstatus) {          $scope.currentcontact.contacts.push({            "phone": ""          });        } else {          $scope.currentcontact.contacts.splice(inputindex, 1);        }      };      $scope.currentcontact = [{        "phone": "07875 506 426"      }, {        "phone": "+91 9895 319991"      }, {        "phone": "+44 7875 506 426"      }];      $scope.dynamicfield = function(buttonstatus, inputindex) {        if (!buttonstatus) {          $scope.currentcontact.push({            "phone": ""          });        } else {          $scope.currentcontact.splice(inputindex, 1);        }      };      $scope.checkindex = function(totalcount, indexcount) {        indexcount++;        // alert(indexcount);        /*if (totalcount === indexcount) {  					//alert("last one");  					$scope.plussign = true;  				}else{  					$scope.plussign = false;  				}*/      };    });  })();
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />  <script src=""></script>  <div class="container" ng-app="managementapp">    <div class="row" ng-controller="phonebookcontroller">      <div class="form-group" ng-repeat="contact in currentcontact" ng-init="checkindex(currentcontact.length, $index);">        <label for="contact-number3" class="col-sm-3 control-label">contact number {{$index + 1 }}</label>        <div class="col-sm-9">          <div class="input-group">            <input type="tel" class="form-control" placeholder="contact number {{$index + 1 }}" ng-model="">            <span class="input-group-btn">              <button class="btn btn-default" type="button"  ng-init="plussign = true"                 ng-click="plussign = !plussign; dynamicfield(plussign, $index);">                <i class="glyphicon " ng-class="plussign ? 'glyphicon-plus' : 'glyphicon-minus'"></i>              </button>            </span>          </div>        </div>      </div>    </div>  </div>

you can use $last inside ng-repeat true if repeated element last in iterator. or can css .row:last-of-type {/**/}.


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