performance testing - How to put 25k record to kinesis stream and Test tool to acknowledge it -

i have developed piece of software writes record amazon kinesis stream web service. trying understand have software tool allow me measure maximum throughput code generating kinesis stream 1 shard in 1 second. yes agree depends on hardware configurations too. start want o know general purpose machine might able see horizontal scalability

with trying achieve 25k records per second write kinesis stream

reference : kinesis

i believe can use apache jmeter as

  1. download , install jmeter
  2. download amazon kinesis java client library , drop jars jmeter classpath (you can use /lib folder of jmeter installation)
  3. using jsr223 sampler, "groovy" language , amazonkinesisrecordproducersample reference implement code write records stream

see beanshell vs jsr223 vs java jmeter scripting: performance-off you've been waiting for! guide instructions on installing "groovy" engine support , scripting best practices.


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