c# - EntityFramework code first manually setting PKs which are FKs to other tables -

i using entityframework codefirst existing database. encountering problems keys. have created 4 test tables , models simulate situation:

party - the main container class.

public class party {     // id generated @ database     public int id { get; set; }      public virtual icollection<partyrole> partyroles { get; set; } } 

roletype - type separate data according role.

public class roletype {     // static library table need generate id     public short id { get; set; }     public string value { get; set; } } 

partyrole - roles of parties

public class partyrole {     // partyid , roletypeid composite pk     public int partyid { get; set; } // fk party     public short roletypeid { get; set; } // fk roletype      public virtual party party { get; set; }     public virtual roletype roletype { get; set; }     public virtual icollection<insurer> insurers { get; set; } } 


public class insurer {     public int id { get; set; }     // partyid , roletypeid composite fk partyrole     public int partyid { get; set; }     public short roletypeid { get; set; }      // other properties      public virtual partyrole partyrole { get; set; } } 

i have not included mapping details simplicity. mapping details correct , written using fluent api. when try manually set pks of partyrole , insert values not reflected @ insurer:

using (mytestcontext testcontext = new mytestcontext()) {     insurer insurer = new insurer();      partyrole partyrole = new partyrole()     {         partyid = 1, // party id exist         roletypeid = 1, // roletype id exist         insurers = new list<insurer>() { insurer }     };      testcontext.set<partyrole>.add(partyrole);     testcontext.savechanges(); } 

when execute above code generates following sql statements:

insert "party_roles"             ("id",              "role_type_id") values      (1 /* :p0 */,              1 /* :p1 */);  insert "insurers"(     "party_id",      "role_type_id") values (     0 /* :p0 */,      0 /* :p1 */); 

my question why ef sends (0, 0) insert insurers should (1, 1)?

if partyid , roletypeid not fks in partyrole model send (1, 1).

ef couldn't guess this. can manually set keys insurer:

insurer insurer = new insurer() {     partyid = 1,     roletypeid = 1 }; ... testcontext.savechanges(); 


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