java - How to show all structure names in hazelcast 3.x -

i found a similar question, it's 2 years ago , previous version, not works in hz, question how achieve in hz 3.x ?

like app1 open lock 1, app2 open lock 2, how can know lock taken ?

found way many tricks,works service

run svr first, run cli , test.

public class playhz {     @test     public void test() throws executionexception, interruptedexception     {         hazelcastinstance hz = hazelcast.newhazelcastinstance();         iexecutorservice executor = hz.getexecutorservice("gather");         map<member, future<list<string>>> futures = executor.submittoallmembers(new locknamegather());         thread.sleep(1000);         system.out.println("found in member");         (map.entry<member, future<list<string>>> entry : futures.entryset())         {             system.out.printf("%s -> %s\n", entry.getkey(), entry.getvalue().get());         }     }      @test     public void svr() throws interruptedexception     {         hazelcastinstance hz = hazelcast.newhazelcastinstance();         thread.sleep(integer.max_value);     }      @test     public void cli() throws interruptedexception     {         hazelcastinstance hz = hazelcast.newhazelcastinstance();         (int = 0; < 100; i++)         {             ilock lock = hz.getlock("lock" + i);             lock.lock();         }         thread.sleep(integer.max_value);     }      private static class locknamegather implements callable<list<string>>, hazelcastinstanceaware, serializable     {         transient hazelcastinstance hz;         transient nodeengineimpl node;          @override         public list<string> call() throws exception         {             node = ((hazelcastinstanceimpl) hz).node.getnodeengine();             lockservice svc = node.getservice(lockservice.service_name);              return svc.getalllocks()                       .stream()                       .map(lockresource::getkey)                       .map(d -> node.getserializationservice().createobjectdatainput(d))                       .map((r) -> {                           try                           {                               return r.readutf();                           } catch (ioexception e)                           {                               throw new runtimeexception(e);                           }                       }).collect(collectors.tolist());         }          @override         public void sethazelcastinstance(hazelcastinstance hazelcastinstance)         {             hz = hazelcastinstance;         }     } } 


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