python - calling a shell script with option and argument and get output -

i trying call shell script option , argument , output. not work expected. please help. not familiar python.

import os import subprocess jpsop=os.popen("jps |grep main|awk '{print $1}'").read() print jpsop #print jpsop.partition(' ')[2]  pid in jpsop.split():     print pid     subprocess.popen(['/home/muthu/downloads/', '-p' +     pid])     print output #  os.system('/home/muthu/downloads/') 

i have tried;

  output=subprocess.popen(['/home/muthu/downloads/', '-p', str(pid)]) 

i used sth in code, invoke commands , bash scripts, cmd can " -p sth". check if bash script have correct permissions ;) (chmod u+x hope can helpfull.

   def run_cmd(self,cmd):         """         :param cmd: command invoke         :return: status of command         """         try:             result = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.stdout, universal_newlines=true, shell=true)         except subprocess.calledprocesserror grepexc:             return {"status": "error", "code" : grepexc.returncode, "output" : grepexc.output}         return {"status": "ok", "code": 0, "output" : result} 


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