objective c - UILabel automatic height as per the length ios -

i have uicollectionview shown below.the titlelabel can see should vary height per content.the background view labelview should change height.how can that?

collectionview label

i used...

-(cgfloat) heightfortext:(nsstring *)text withwidth:(cgfloat) textwidth{      cgsize constraint = cgsizemake(textwidth, 20000.0f);     cgrect rect = [text boundingrectwithsize:constraint                        options:(nsstringdrawinguseslinefragmentorigin|nsstringdrawingusesfontleading)                     attributes:@{nsfontattributename:cell.titlelabel.font}                        context:nil];     cgfloat height = rect.size.height;      height = ceilf(height); //    nslog(@"height %f", height);     return height; } 

i used ...

cgrect newframe = cell.titlelabel.frame;       newframe.size.height = height;        cell.titlelabel.frame = newframe; 

i getting new frame label.but height increases fixed y towards down.here have lift y according height.is there other way?

use ankit's code height required label , use autolayout shown below.

add view ---> set leading,trailing , bottom constraints respect cell superview.

then add label subview view.add 4 constraints.ie,set leading,trailing,top , bottom constraints

now, use above ankit's code (i have pasted below) height of label , set label frame.

-(cgfloat) heightfortext:(nsstring *)text withwidth:(cgfloat) textwidth{      cgsize constraint = cgsizemake(textwidth, 20000.0f);     cgrect rect = [text boundingrectwithsize:constraint                        options:(nsstringdrawinguseslinefragmentorigin|nsstringdrawingusesfontleading)                     attributes:@{nsfontattributename:cell.titlelabel.font}                        context:nil];     cgfloat height = rect.size.height;      height = ceilf(height); //    nslog(@"height %f", height);     return height; } 

set new frame label now.

cgrect newframe = cell.titlelabel.frame;       newframe.size.height = height;        cell.titlelabel.frame = newframe; 

hope works.it setting autolayout.try , let me know.


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