SonarQube MySQL read time out -

my system consists of:

sonarqube 5.1, mysql 5.6.19, sonar-qube runner 2.4

i have project 20 submodules , 2,7 million lines of code.

when try execute analysis randomly fails following error:

error: caused by: unable request: /batch/project?key=xxx error: caused by: read timed out


2015.06.19 11:25:20 trace web[sql] time=2ms | sql=select * `users` (login='admin' , active=1)  limit 1 2015.06.19 11:25:20 trace web[sql] time=1ms | sql=select * `groups`  inner join `groups_users` on `groups`.id = `groups_users`.group_id (`groups_users`.user_id = 1 )  2015.06.19 11:25:20 debug web[http] /api/server | time=42ms 2015.06.19 11:25:22 trace web[sql] time=1ms | sql=select * `users` (login='admin' , active=1)  limit 1 2015.06.19 11:25:22 trace web[sql] time=1ms | sql=select * `groups`  inner join `groups_users` on `groups`.id = `groups_users`.group_id (`groups_users`.user_id = 1 )  2015.06.19 11:25:22 trace web[sql] time=3ms | sql=select gr.role        group_roles gr        inner join groups_users gu on gu.group_id=gr.group_id        inner join users u on          u.login=?          , gr.resource_id null         union        select gr.role        group_roles gr        gr.group_id null , gr.resource_id null        union        select ur.role        user_roles ur        inner join users u on          u.login=?          , ur.resource_id null 2015.06.19 11:25:22 trace web[sql] time=1ms | sql=select,    p.uuid uuid,    p.project_uuid projectuuid,    p.module_uuid moduleuuid,    p.module_uuid_path moduleuuidpath,    p.kee kee,    p.deprecated_kee deprecatedkey, name,    p.long_name longname,    p.qualifier qualifier,    p.scope scope,    p.language language,    p.root_id parentprojectid,    p.path path,    p.enabled enabled,    p.copy_resource_id copyresourceid,    p.authorization_updated_at authorizationupdatedat,    p.created_at createdat       projects p      p.kee=? 2015.06.19 11:25:29 trace web[sql] time=1ms | sql=select    analysis_reports ar    ar.report_status=?    , not exists(    select 1    analysis_reports ar2    ar.project_key = ar2.project_key    , ar2.report_status=?    )    order ar.created_at asc, asc 2015.06.19 11:25:29 trace web[sql] time=7105ms | sql=select,    p.uuid uuid,    p.project_uuid projectuuid,    p.module_uuid moduleuuid,    p.module_uuid_path moduleuuidpath,    p.kee kee,    p.deprecated_kee deprecatedkey, name,    p.long_name longname,    p.qualifier qualifier,    p.scope scope,    p.language language,    p.root_id parentprojectid,    p.path path,    p.enabled enabled,    p.copy_resource_id copyresourceid,    p.authorization_updated_at authorizationupdatedat,    p.created_at createdat       projects p         inner join projects module on module.project_uuid = p.project_uuid , module.uuid = ? , module.scope='prj' , module.enabled = true     p.enabled = true            , p.scope = ?      ,                p.module_uuid_path concat(module.module_uuid_path, '%') 2015.06.19 11:25:36 trace web[sql] time=6092ms | sql=select id, prop.prop_key "key", prop.text_value value, prop.resource_id resourceid, prop.user_id userid    properties prop    inner join (select projects p     inner join projects module on module.project_uuid = p.project_uuid , module.uuid = ? , module.scope='prj' , module.enabled = true     p.enabled = true            , p.scope = ?      ,                p.module_uuid_path concat(module.module_uuid_path, '%')    ) modules on    prop.user_id null 2015.06.19 11:25:39 trace web[sql] time=1ms | sql=select    analysis_reports ar    ar.report_status=?    , not exists(    select 1    analysis_reports ar2    ar.project_key = ar2.project_key    , ar2.report_status=?    )    order ar.created_at asc, asc 2015.06.19 11:25:48 warn   es[o.e.c.r.a.decider]  [sonar-1434705179964] high disk watermark [10%] exceeded on [ksolp6gbtqmey19kqxz4qa][sonar-1434705179964] free: 5.5gb[9.3%], shards relocated away node 2015.06.19 11:25:49 trace web[sql] time=0ms | sql=select    analysis_reports ar    ar.report_status=?    , not exists(    select 1    analysis_reports ar2    ar.project_key = ar2.project_key    , ar2.report_status=?    )    order ar.created_at asc, asc 2015.06.19 11:25:49 trace web[sql] time=13656ms | sql=select p.uuid, p.path, p.module_uuid moduleuuid, fs.src_hash srchash    projects p    inner join file_sources fs on fs.file_uuid=p.uuid      p.project_uuid=?      , p.enabled=true      , p.scope='fil' 2015.06.19 11:25:50 trace web[sql] time=2ms | sql=select id,    p.kee kee, name,    p.language language,    p.parent_kee parentkee,    p.created_at createdat,    p.updated_at updatedat,    p.rules_updated_at rulesupdatedat       rules_profiles p, projects project    inner join properties prop on      p.language=?      , prop.prop_key ?      , prop.text_value      , project.kee=? 2015.06.19 11:25:50 trace web[sql] time=2ms | sql=select id,    p.kee kee, name,    p.language language,    p.parent_kee parentkee,    p.created_at createdat,    p.updated_at updatedat,    p.rules_updated_at rulesupdatedat       rules_profiles p    inner join properties prop on prop.prop_key=?      , prop.resource_id null      , prop.text_value      , p.language=? 2015.06.19 11:25:50 trace web[es] es search request '{"from":0,"size":100,"query":{"filtered":{"query":{"match_all":{}},"filter":{"bool":{"must":[{"bool":{"must_not":{"term":{"status":"removed"}}}},{"terms":{"lang":["java"]}}]}}}},"_source":{"includes":["templatekey","internalkey","name","key"],"excludes":[]},"sort":[{"updatedat":{"order":"desc"}},{"key.sort":{"order":"asc"}}]}' on indices '[rules]' on types '[rule]' | time=42ms 2015.06.19 11:25:50 trace web[es] es search scroll request scroll id '' | time=107ms 2015.06.19 11:25:50 trace web[es] es search scroll request scroll id '' | time=55ms 2015.06.19 11:25:50 trace web[es] es search scroll request scroll id '' | time=100ms 2015.06.19 11:25:50 trace web[es] es search scroll request scroll id '' | time=61ms 2015.06.19 11:25:50 trace web[es] es search scroll request scroll id '' | time=47ms 2015.06.19 11:25:50 trace web[es] es search scroll request scroll id '' | time=46ms 2015.06.19 11:25:50 trace web[es] es search scroll request scroll id '' | time=24ms 2015.06.19 11:25:50 trace web[es] es search scroll request scroll id '' | time=23ms 2015.06.19 11:25:50 trace web[es] es search scroll request scroll id '' | time=23ms 2015.06.19 11:25:50 trace web[es] es search scroll request scroll id '' | time=22ms 2015.06.19 11:25:50 trace web[es] es search scroll request scroll id '' | time=22ms 2015.06.19 11:25:50 trace web[es] es search scroll request scroll id '' | time=24ms 2015.06.19 11:25:50 trace web[es] es search scroll request scroll id '' | time=23ms 2015.06.19 11:25:50 trace web[es] es search scroll request scroll id '' | time=14ms 2015.06.19 11:25:50 trace web[es] es search scroll request scroll id '' | time=4ms 2015.06.19 11:25:50 trace web[es] es search request '{"size":100,"query":{"filtered":{"query":{"match_all":{}},"filter":{"bool":{"must":{"term":{"profile":"java-r7-quality-profile-66231"}},"must_not":{"has_parent":{"filter":{"term":{"status":"removed"}},"parent_type":"rule"}}}}}}}' on indices '[rules]' on types '[activerule]' | time=79ms 2015.06.19 11:25:50 trace web[es] es search scroll request scroll id '' | time=8ms 2015.06.19 11:25:50 trace web[es] es search scroll request scroll id '' | time=2ms 2015.06.19 11:25:50 trace web[es] es search request '{"from":0,"size":10,"query":{"filtered":{"query":{"match_all":{}},"filter":{"bool":{"must":[{"bool":{"must_not":{"term":{"status":"removed"}}}},{"terms":{"repo":["manual"]}}]}}}},"_source":{"includes":["name","key"],"excludes":[]},"sort":[{"updatedat":{"order":"desc"}},{"key.sort":{"order":"asc"}}]}' on indices '[rules]' on types '[rule]' | time=4ms 2015.06.19 11:25:50 trace web[es] es search scroll request scroll id '' | time=2ms 2015.06.19 11:25:50 trace web[es] es search scroll request scroll id '' | time=2ms 2015.06.19 11:25:50 debug web[http] /batch/project?key=t3000-build-latest&preview=false | **time=28226ms** 2015.06.19 11:25:57 trace web[sql] time=1ms | sql=select id, data    notifications    order id asc    limit ? 2015.06.19 11:25:59 trace web[sql] time=1ms | sql=select    analysis_reports ar    ar.report_status=?    , not exists(    select 1    analysis_reports ar2    ar.project_key = ar2.project_key    , ar2.report_status=?    )    order ar.created_at asc, asc 2015.06.19 11:26:09 trace web[sql] time=1ms | sql=select    analysis_reports ar    ar.report_status=?    , not exists(    select 1    analysis_reports ar2    ar.project_key = ar2.project_key    , ar2.report_status=?    )    order ar.created_at asc, asc 2015.06.19 11:26:18 warn   es[o.e.c.r.a.decider]  [sonar-1434705179964] high disk watermark [10%] exceeded on [ksolp6gbtqmey19kqxz4qa][sonar-1434705179964] free: 5.5gb[9.3%], shards relocated away node 2015.06.19 11:26:18 info   es[o.e.c.r.a.decider]  [sonar-1434705179964] high disk watermark exceeded on 1 or more nodes, rerouting shards 2015.06.19 11:26:19 trace web[sql] time=4ms | sql=select    analysis_reports ar    ar.report_status=?    , not exists(    select 1    analysis_reports ar2    ar.project_key = ar2.project_key    , ar2.report_status=?    )    order ar.created_at asc, asc 

i know fails, because read time > 20 ms. how can increase read time? or else can do, error not come anymore?

this known limitation can indeed encounter under conjunction of circumstances (project lots of modules and/or files, heavy load on sq server, ...).

there open ticket on limitation, , we'll working on this: sonar-6604.


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