angularjs - Test access controller in angular directive -

i need test methods controller directive.

app.angular.directive('minicrud', function () {      return {         restrict: 'e',         require:"ngmodel",         scope: {             minicrudheader: '@',             minicrudconfig: '=',             modelvalues : "=ngmodel"         },         templateurl: 'templates/mini-crud.html',         controller: ['$scope', 'lodash', 'filterfilter',              function($scope, _, filterfilter){                  $scope.vm = {                     getvalue: function(item, index) {                         var prop = $scope.minicrudconfig.fields[index].name;                         return item[prop];                     }                  // other methods                 }             }         }]      }; }); 

how can acess $scope.vm.getvalue()?

i hope know how test directive. since directive creates isolated scope have use isolatedscope function on object returned angular.element.

once create html directive element in test, compile , link scope. can use compiled element hold of isolated scope

var s = angular.element(compiledandlinkeddom).isolatedscope(); s.vm.getvalue(); 


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