javascript - Why is this jQuery not sliding down/showing hidden (slid up) elements? -

i create rows ids of foapalrow3 , foapalrow4 in c#, making them temporarily invisible:

foapalrow3 = new htmltablerow(); = "foapalrow3"; . . . foapalrow3.visible = false;  foapalrow4 = new htmltablerow(); = "foapalrow4"; . . . foapalhtmltable.rows.add(foapalrow4); foapalrow4.visible = false; 

i have jquery condtionally make visible again:

$(document).on("click", '[id$=btnaddfoapalrow]', function (e) {     if ($('[id$=foapalrow3]').css('display') == 'none') {         $('[id$=foapalrow3]').slidedown();     } else if ($('[id$ = foapalrow4]').css('display') == 'none') {         $('[id$=foapalrow4]').slidedown();     } }); 

...but doesn't work - rows still not shown. "visible == false" in c# not match "display == none" in jquery, or what?

you check display property using



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