Facebook iOS SDK 4.X - How to send "App Requests" -

facebook 3.x

 [fbwebdialogs presentrequestsdialogmodallywithsession:nil                                                       message:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"discover celebrities in real life."]                                                         title:nil                                                    parameters:nil                                                       handler:^(fbwebdialogresult result, nsurl *resulturl, nserror *error) {                                                           if (error) {                                                               // case a: error launching dialog or sending request.                                                               nslog(@"error sending request.");                                                           } else {                                                               if (result == fbwebdialogresultdialognotcompleted) {                                                                   // case b: user clicked "x" icon                                                                   nslog(@"user canceled request.");                                                               } else {                                                                   nslog(@"request sent.");                                                               }                                                           }}]; 

facebook 4.x documentation says fbwebdialogs "is replaced typed dialogs. see fbsdkgamerequestdialog, fbsdkappgroupadddialog, fbsdkappgroupjoindialog."

i'm looking @ initializing fbsdkappgroupjoindialog how done, there example?

fbsdkappgroupjoindialog *appgroupjoindialog = [[fbsdkappgroupjoindialog alloc] init]; appgroupjoindialog.delegate = self; appgroupjoindialog.groupid = groupid;  // <-- group id join [appgroupjoindialog show]; 


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