sql - Syntax error on MySQL trigger when only updating one column -
i'm trying create mysql trigger fires when column user_email updated in table wp_users, it's failing. i'm getting syntax error before second begin, looks fine me. missing?
create trigger `email_update` after update on `wp_users` each row begin if new.user_email <> old.user_email begin insert `bfintranet`.`intranet_staff_updates` (`staff_update_id`, `user_id`, `updated_value`, `new_value`, `old_value`, `update_datetime`) values (null, new.id, 'user_email', new.user_email, old.user_email, now()) end end;
without 1 column condition, works fine (but doesn't achieve want to):
create trigger `email_update` after update on `wp_users` each row insert `bfintranet`.`intranet_staff_updates` (`staff_update_id`, `user_id`, `updated_value`, `new_value`, `old_value`, `update_datetime`) values (null, new.id, 'user_email', new.user_email, old.user_email, now())
it appears error on whatever comes after if, regardless of comes after or if condition is.
you have couple of problems.
first should review mysql if...then...end if
syntax: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/if.html
also complex queries need temporarily override default delimiter can use semi-colons within trigger.
this should work:
delimiter $$ create trigger `email_update` after update on `wp_users` each row begin if new.user_email <> old.user_email insert `bfintranet`.`intranet_staff_updates` (`staff_update_id`, `user_id`, `updated_value`, `new_value`, `old_value`, `update_datetime`) values (null, new.id, 'user_email', new.user_email, old.user_email, now()); end if; end $$ delimiter ;
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