java - Multi user file property Selenium -

i made autotest on selenium. test start on jmeter load testing 10, 20, 50+ users. should do. create property file (configuration file) , put there url, login, password. made cycle , put there code i'll start browser, login, visit link, logout , quit. here's have in property file:

url: login:test1, test2, tesr3 password:abc123 

here's code in java:

public class testmultiply extends testcase {     file file = new file("c:/barracuda/");     private fileinputstream fileinput = null;     private webdriver driver;     public firefoxprofile profile = new firefoxprofile();     public int index=0;      public testmultiply(){}      public testmultiply(string testname){         super(testname);     }      @before     public void setup() throws exception {         super.setup();     }       @test     public void testtestload() throws interruptedexception {          try {             fileinput = new fileinputstream(file);         } catch (filenotfoundexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }         properties prop = new properties();         try {             prop.load(fileinput);         } catch (ioexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }         driver = new firefoxdriver();          (int i= 0; i<prop.getproperty("login").length(); i++){             //string login = prop.getproperty("login"+i);             thread t1 = new thread(new runnable() {                 @override                 public void run() {                     driver = new firefoxdriver();                     driver.get(prop.getproperty("url"));                     driver.findelement("loginform:authlogin")).sendkeys(login);                     driver.findelement("loginform:authpassword")).sendkeys(prop.getproperty(key));                     driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlywait(60, timeunit.seconds);                     driver.findelement("loginform:btnlogin")).click();                     driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlywait(2000, timeunit.seconds);                     driver.findelement("settingslink"));                     driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlywait(2000, timeunit.seconds);                     driver.findelement(by.xpath("//a[@class='logout']")).click();                     driver.quit();                 }             }); t1.start();  thread.sleep(10000);          }     }      @after     public void teardown() throws exception {         super.teardown();     }  } 

i need make cycle multylogin. should in cycle in login field paste 1 login property file same password users. example property file have structure:

url: login:test1, test2 password:abc123 

so should start browser 2 times , it'll login test1 - abc123 , test2 - abc123.

so should start browser 2 times , it'll login test1 - abc123 , test2 - abc123.

in short need (login) comma separated string properties file, split , keep in list. use in loop.

list<string> items = arrays.aslist(config.getproperty("login").split("\\s*,\\s*")); 

above code should give needed list , can implement multiple login given below:

for (int i=0; i<items.size(); i++){         driver.get(config.getproperty("url"));          //here goes multiple user name         usernameeditbox.sendkeys(items.get(i).trim());          //here same password         passwordeditbox.sendkeys(config.getproperty("password"));;; } 

you can check full class view here: clickme


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