javascript - angular broadcast from directive -

i trying broadcast 1 directive (claim-points) directive (banner-points) on click of claim points button.

<button name="button" claim-points>claim points</button> 

i'd hide "banner button" element until broadcast sent claim-points directive banner-points directive:

<div name="bannerbtn" banner-points ng-if="isvisible">html banner-points directive displayed here</div> 

so, on claim points button click, it's getting , looping through data... if finds match, broadcasts showbanner:

angular     .module('myapp')     .directive('claimpoints', ['$rootscope', '$http', function ($rootscope, $http) {         return {             restrict: 'ae',             link: function (scope, elem, attr) {                 elem.bind('click', function() {                     $http.get('/testjson/points.json').success(function(data) {                             var found = false;                             angular.foreach(, function(v, k) {                                 if (!found) {                                     if (v.award_name === attr.award) {                                         found = true;                                         $rootscope.$broadcast('showbanner', v.points);                                     }                                 }                             }                         );                     });                 });             }         };     } ]); 

the broadcast should sent scope.$on('showbanner, , set "banner button" attributeisvisibleto true... should trigger theng-if` on button.

angular     .module('myapp')     .directive('bannerpoints', function () {         return {             restrict: '',             templateurl: '<div>some html want display',             link: function (scope, elem, attr) {                 attr.isvisible = false;                 scope.$on('showbanner', function(e, b) {                     attr.isvisible = true;                 });             }         }; }); 

the broadcast not happening.

there no need create bannerpoints have $on listener, directive not creating isolated scope, need pass isvisible scope variable name claimpoints directive instead of broadcasting directly use scope[attrs.isvisible] & make true ng-if="isvisible" gets satisfied , button shown.


<button name="button" claim-points is-visible="isvisible">claim points</button>  <button name="bannerbtn" ng-if="isvisible">     <div>some html want display></div> </button> 


angular.module('myapp') .directive('claimpoints', ['$rootscope', '$http', function($rootscope, $http) {   return {     restrict: 'ae',     link: function(scope, elem, attr) {       elem.bind('click', function() {         $http.get('/testjson/points.json').success(function(data) {           var found = false;           angular.foreach(, function(v, k) {             if (!found) {               if (v.award_name === attr.award) {                 found = true;                 //this set isvisible scope true                 scope[attrs.isvisible] = true;               }             }           });         });       });     }   }; }]); 


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