excel - VBA Email with pasted chart and text in body -

the goal of following code paste selected chart email body below text. however, continues paste above text. how can change make paste below? thanks!

set outapp = createobject("outlook.application") set outmail = outapp.createitem(0) outmail     .cc = "xyz@anc.com"     .bcc = "abc@xyz.com"     .subject = "test"     .body = "dear" & "macro "      activesheet.range("p36:x46").copy     set weditor = outapp.activeinspector.wordeditor      weditor.application.selection.paste  .display 

change selection start , end. adding line break might idea. should use mailitem.getinspector instead of application.activeinspector since message not yet displayed.

set outapp = createobject("outlook.application") set outmail = outapp.createitem(0) outmail     .cc = "xyz@anc.com"     .bcc = "abc@xyz.com"     .subject = "test"     .body = "dear" & "macro " & vbcrlf      activesheet.range("p36:x46").copy     set vinspector = outmail.getinspector     set weditor = vinspector.wordeditor      weditor.application.selection.start = len(.body)     weditor.application.selection.end = weditor.application.selection.start      weditor.application.selection.paste  .display 


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