c# - Why is this program not accessing child nodes? -

here gets xml document , individual nodes, , inserts nodes dictionary.

//create xml document obj xmldocument inputxmldoc = new xmldocument(); fileref.isvalid = false; //load xml document #region try {     inputxmldoc.xmlresolver = null;     inputxmldoc.load( strfile );//load xml file     string input = inputxmldoc.outerxml;//get string      console.writeline( "success,loaded xml" );     logger.log( "loaded xml:" + strfile );       fileref.importlist = new dictionary<string, xmlnode>();      nodenames = new list<string> { "orderid", "customerid", "customername", "addresses", "orderstatus", "dateordered", "paymenttime", "includevat", "ordertotalincvat", "ordertotalvat", "currency", "typeofsaleid" };      try     {         int = 0;         foreach( string name in nodenames )         {             console.writeline( "adding xml node " + name );              if( inputxmldoc.getelementsbytagname( name ) != null )             {                 xmlnodelist xlist = inputxmldoc.getelementsbytagname( name );                  foreach( xmlnode node in xlist )                 {                     fileref.importlist.add( name, node );                     //add individual node within nodelist                     console.writeline( name );                  }             } //add specified node xml doc             else             {                 nodenames.removeat( );             }             i++;         }     } } 

later, nodes accessed save information web service. however, nodes child nodes within not showing way.

 invoices.address address = new invoices.address();   xmlnodelist onodelist = fileref.importlist["addresses"].selectnodes("/delivery/street");  foreach (xmlnode xn in onodelist)  {      address.street = xn.innertext;  } 

sample xml document

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <invoiceorder xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema">   <orderid xmlns="http://24sevenoffice.com/webservices">35</orderid>   <customerid xmlns="http://24sevenoffice.com/webservices">21</customerid>   <customername xmlns="http://24sevenoffice.com/webservices">james bond</customername>   <addresses xmlns="http://24sevenoffice.com/webservices">     <delivery>       <street>11 shewell walk</street>       <state />       <postalcode>co1 1wg</postalcode>       <postalarea>essex</postalarea>       <name />       <city>colchester</city>       <country>uk</country>     </delivery>     <invoice>       <street>10 shewell walk</street>       <state />       <postalcode>co1 1wg</postalcode>       <postalarea>essex</postalarea>       <name />       <city>colchester</city>       <country>uk</country>     </invoice>   </addresses>   <orderstatus xmlns="http://24sevenoffice.com/webservices">offer</orderstatus>   <dateordered xmlns="http://24sevenoffice.com/webservices">2015-06-15t14:00:00z</dateordered>   <paymenttime xmlns="http://24sevenoffice.com/webservices">14</paymenttime>   <includevat xsi:nil="true" xmlns="http://24sevenoffice.com/webservices" />   <ordertotalincvat xmlns="http://24sevenoffice.com/webservices">480.0000</ordertotalincvat>   <ordertotalvat xmlns="http://24sevenoffice.com/webservices">80.0000</ordertotalvat>   <currency xmlns="http://24sevenoffice.com/webservices">     <symbol>local</symbol>   </currency>   <typeofsaleid xmlns="http://24sevenoffice.com/webservices">-100</typeofsaleid>   <invoicerows xmlns="http://24sevenoffice.com/webservices">     <invoicerow>       <productid>18</productid>       <rowid>4665754</rowid>       <price>400.0000</price>       <name>17" laptop screen</name>       <discountrate>0.0000</discountrate>       <quantity>7.0000</quantity>       <cost>0.0000</cost>       <inprice>0.0000</inprice>     </invoicerow>   </invoicerows> </invoiceorder> 

the problem have namespaces. if specify namespace each of elements seems work. came conclusion bit of googling , experimentation explanation might not spot on advise researching issue further understand correctly.

this code work:

xmlnamespacemanager nsmgr = new xmlnamespacemanager(inputxmldoc.nametable); nsmgr.addnamespace("ns", "http://24sevenoffice.com/webservices"); var onodelist = importlist["addresses"].selectnodes("//ns:delivery/ns:street",nsmgr); 

the reason (i think) in xml document specifying default namespace elements (xmlns="http://24sevenoffice.com/webservices") , in xpath not specifying same namespace. in code create namespace manager namespace in , prefix 2 elements considers match ones in document have these namespaces.


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