ios - Correct way to zoom UIScrollView with many images? -

which correct way zoom image in uiscrollview many images?

in depth, have contentview (uiview) uiimageview(s) subviews.

i'm trying return current showed uiimageview in viewforzoominginscrollview: doesn't work :-(

func viewforzoominginscrollview(scrollview: uiscrollview) -> uiview? {     return imageviews[self.currentindex] } 

- (void)viewdidload {      [super viewdidload];      self.scrollview.minimumzoomscale=0.5;      self.scrollview.maximumzoomscale=6.0;      self.scrollview.contentsize=cgsizemake(1280, 960);      self.scrollview.delegate=self;  } 


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