Android Picasso transformation not applied on each view show -

i'm using picasso :

picasso.with(mcontext)                 .load(url)                 .placeholder(fallback)                 .error(fallback)                 .transform(new circletransform(userstatus))                 .into(this); 

and transformation apply stroke , roundness image:

public class circletransform implements transformation {         private int userstatus = userprofile.status_type_none;          public circletransform(int userstatus) {             this.userstatus = userstatus;         }          @override         public bitmap transform(bitmap source) {             int size = math.min(source.getwidth(), source.getheight());              int x = (source.getwidth() - size) / 2;             int y = (source.getheight() - size) / 2;              bitmap squaredbitmap = bitmap.createbitmap(source, x, y, size, size);             if (squaredbitmap != source) {                 source.recycle();             }              bitmap bitmap = bitmap.createbitmap(size, size, source.getconfig());              canvas canvas = new canvas(bitmap);             paint paint = new paint();             bitmapshader shader = new bitmapshader(squaredbitmap, bitmapshader.tilemode.clamp, bitmapshader.tilemode.clamp);             paint.setshader(shader);             paint.setantialias(true);              float r = size / 2f;             canvas.drawcircle(r, r, r, paint);             if (userprofile.status_type_none != userstatus) {                 paint paintstroke = new paint();                 paintstroke.setantialias(true);                 if (userprofile.status_type_bronze == userstatus)                     paintstroke.setcolor(colors.bronzecolor);                 else if (userprofile.status_type_silver == userstatus)                     paintstroke.setcolor(colors.silvercolor);                 else if (userprofile.status_type_gold == userstatus)                     paintstroke.setcolor(colors.goldcolor);                 else if (userprofile.status_type_platinum == userstatus)                     paintstroke.setcolor(colors.platinumcolor);                 else if (userprofile.status_type_diamond == userstatus)                     paintstroke.setcolor(colors.diamondcolor);                  paintstroke.setstyle(;                 float stroke = size * circle_size_in_percent;                 paintstroke.setstrokewidth(stroke);                 canvas.drawcircle(r, r, r - (stroke / 2), paintstroke);             }             squaredbitmap.recycle();             return bitmap;         }          @override         public string key() {             return "circle";         }     } 

the problem public bitmap transform(bitmap source) not getting called each time image loaded.

the userstatus variable changes behavior of transformation , must included in cache key. otherwise picasso thinks circle transformation can replaced another.

@override public string key() {     return "circle" + userstatus; } 


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