uiimageview - Make Fullscreen imageview match positioning of launch image on iOS -

in order initial check on boolean on first launch of app, want have splash screen acts initial screen, decide screen navigate to... know apple doesn't suggest splash screens, should take few milliseconds...

anyways, want screen have imageview fills entire screen, , asset exact replica of launch image, user doesn't know see visible difference in image positioning.

however, unable exact positioning correct on 4-inch device or larger...

i've tried both setting mode in storyboard , setting image , it's contentmode programatically... seems have slight positioning change.

i've tried set launch screen file property in general target settings ( first screen of storyboard, viewcontroller referring to), shows black launch image :(

ultimately, if able access actual launchimage .xcassets, solve problem... but, per this post, seems impossible.

any ideas ?

ios app projects come launchscreen.xib file now, suggest putting splash screen image there. also, when checked launch screen file option in general target settings, gave me option launchscreen.xib file, whatever file put there has xib or storyboard file, not image. if want use images, launch images source option above launch screen file option looks want.

if want keep implementing splash screen dynaically, should not have change contentmode. code should like:

uiimageview* imageview = [[uiimageview alloc] initwithimage:[uiimage named:@"splashscreen.png"]]; [imageview setframe:[[uiscreen mainscreen] bounds]]; 


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