mvc - Kendo Grid Date is null for 13/06/2015 all dates after 12 -

my grid:

@(html.kendo().grid<ibatechnologies.iba.web.models.assettransactiondetailviewmod    el>()     .name("transactiongrid")     .pageable()     //.editable(editable=>editable.mode(grideditmode.inline))     .columns(colums =>     {         colums.bound(p => p.assetcode).width(100);         colums.bound(p => p.assetdesc).width(100);         colums.bound(p => p.remark).width(100);         colums.bound(p => p.currencycode).width(100);         colums.bound(p => p.rate).width(100);         colums.bound(p => p.currencyrate).width(100);         colums.bound(p => p.lcyamount).width(100);         colums.bound(p => p.documentdate).width(100);         colums.command(command => { command.destroy(); }).width(100);     })     .toolbar(toolbar => toolbar.create())     .editable(editable => editable.mode(grideditmode.incell))     .datasource(datasource => datasource         .ajax()         .pagesize(20)         .serveroperation(false)         .model(model => => p.assetcode))         .create(update => update.action("transactiondoc_create", "assettransaction"))         .read(read => read.action("transactiondoc_read", "assettransaction", new { docno = 0 }))         .update(update => update.action("brandeditingpopup_update", "assettransaction"))         .destroy(update => update.action("brandeditingpopup_destroy", "assettransaction"))     ) ) 

my grid shown above. when try edit, dates after 12 returned null. please me.

this appears culture issue. try changing kendo ui culture (by including 1 of other culture js files. may need change culture on server


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