How to convert varchar date to datetime in MySQL -

how can convert following date format datetime format in mysql? right stored varchar. should use python script, or there inbuilt mysql function complete it?

    27 07 (2009), 10:38 pm, 

like this

select str_to_date('27 07 (2009), 10:38 pm', '%d %m (%y), %l:%i %p'); 

here specifiers:

if original text contains trailing comma, match in pattern

select str_to_date('27 07 (2009), 10:38 pm,', '%d %m (%y), %l:%i %p,'); 

if want update column, can run update statement like:

update mytable  set dateat = str_to_date(dateat, '%d %m (%y), %l:%i %p,') 

and don't forget alter field varchar datetime


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