java - Submit a storm multi-node topology -

i execute topology of horton works, simulate trucks events. work on single node (localhost), use multi-nodes.

the event producer works, , can read topic without problem.

but when run storm topology, crashed...

my modification in : #kafka topic consume. kafka.topic=vehicleevent #location in zk kafka spout store state. kafka.zkroot=/vehicle_event_spout #kafka spout executors. spout.thread.count=1  #hdfs bolt settings hdfs.path=/vehicle-events hdfs.url=hdfs:// hdfs.file.prefix=vehicleevents #data moved hdfs hive partition #on first write after 5th minute. hdfs.file.rotation.time.minutes=5  #hbase bolt settings  #hive settings hive.metastore.url=thrift:// 

after several tries, test modification in :

 final config conf = new config();         conf.setdebug(true);         conf.put(config.nimbus_host, "");         conf.put(config.nimbus_thrift_port, 6627);         conf.put(config.storm_zookeeper_port, 2181);         conf.put(config.storm_zookeeper_servers, arrays.aslist("", ""));          //        stormsubmitter.submittopology(topology_name, conf, builder.createtopology());          final localcluster cluster = new localcluster();          cluster.submittopology(topology_name, conf, builder.createtopology());         utils.waitforseconds(10);         cluster.killtopology(topology_name);         cluster.shutdown();     } 

if have suggestion, lot :)


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