sockets - Use of select() in a python client -

i'm building python client project. know little things python .. sorry if code isn't great ! client works fine, connects server, , "talks" him , easy parts. want use select in c. client looks :

p = getoptions() mess = messageclass() ic = interpretclass() cc = commandclass() s = none  def send_name_to_server(s):   var = 'team '   var += p.getname()   #var += '\r\n'                                                                                                                                                                                       mess.sendmessage(s, var)  def protocol(s):   rec = mess.readmessage(s)   if (ic.interpret_bienvenue(s, rec, p) == 1):     send_name_to_server(s)   rec = mess.readmessage(s)   ic.interpret_num_client(s, rec, p)   rec = mess.readmessage(s)   ic.interpret_size(s, rec, p)   var = 'ok'   mess.sendmessage(s, var)  def main():   try:     p.parseopt()     if not p.getname():         print('exception : need name start')         sys.exit()     mc = moduleconnect()     s = mc.connect(p.gethost(), p.getport())     protocol(s)     s.close()   except connectionrefusederror:     print('exception : server has refused connection')   except getopt.getopterror:     print('usage : -n [name] -h [host] -p [port]')   except:                                                                                                                                                                                               print('exception : error has occured')                                                                                                                                                      if __name__ == "__main__":   main() 

and class moduleconnect looks :

import socket

class moduleconnect(object):    """ create connexion """    def connect(self, host, port):     s = socket.socket()     s.connect((host, int(port)))     return s 

so how works ? parse arguments received command line parseopt method (not important here) init connection method connect moduleconnect , talk server protocol method. simple think ? in c in order use select :

fd_set(0, &(c->read_fds)); fd_set(c->sd, &(c->read_fds));   if (select(c->sd + 1, &(c->read_fds), null, null, null) == -1)                                                                                                                                       {   perror("client-select() error ! ");   exit(1); } if (fd_isset(c->sd, &(c->read_fds)))   read_message_from_server(c); if (fd_isset(0, &(c->read_fds)))   send_message(c); 

if server talks me first read told me, if not send message got send him. cannot find way in python ..

again sorry, i'm total noob python , , following tutorial can't find way.

thanks !

in order avoid problem kept reading , sending (almost) @ same time, , when read souldn't threw away. no use of select, , juste read/write.


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