database - How to join multiple tables in MySQL 2? -

i want see citizen's full name

where notifyemployee ='1' in reportbasket,reportnobasket tables

and reportnobasket.groupemail not null

and count email reportbasket, citizenemail reportnobasket in 1 counter


citizen(email, firstname,lastname)


reportnobasket(citizenemail, notifyemployee , groupemail)

before represent query show email in way, working :

select email,count(email) email_count  (     select email     reportbasket     notifyemployee='1'     union      select citizenemail     reportnobasket     notifyemployee='1' ) t group email order email asc  

but want show citizen's full name instead of email address e.g. concat(citizen.firstname,' ' citizen.lastname)

how can join ?

try this:

select concat(firstname, ' ', lastname), count(*) citizen_count  (     select c.firstname, c.lastname     reportbasket rb     join citizen c         on =     notifyemployee='1'     union      select c.firstname, c.lastname     reportnobasket rnb     join citizen c         on rnb.citizenemail =     notifyemployee='1' ) t group firstname, lastname order firstname, lastname asc  


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